Connectedness. This Clifton strength captures who I am in my belief that we are all connected with everything in the universe including all creation and all humankind. My faith is very strong and is the foundation for my positive outlook that manifests our responsibility for each other through a caring concern. This is why financial literacy is my passion that goes beyond knowing that almost 4 out of 5 Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Our greatness comes from caring for each other. We should not allow so many to be on the brink of disaster. I am honored to share this passion with the Jameson Fellowship.
I am directly involved in education as my primary responsibility as Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Nevada State College, but as such, touch the other four social sectors of jobs/economy, health/human services, natural/built environment, and arts and culture. Connectedness again rises to the top. When people know that my formal degree is in science yet my faith is so significant in my life, they wonder how this is possible. Connectedness.