November 9 — Wisdom

What is needed on this planet  Is for older women to step up to the plate…. To look in the…

November 8 — Wisdom

It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend A little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy…

November 7 — Wisdom

When Wisdom shines its light within, I feel as awakened from a dream. Milarepa…

November 6 — Wisdom

As a solid mountain Is not shaken by the wind, So the Wise are not moved by praise or blame.…

November 3 — Wisdom

The Person who in spite of his wisdom Is humble to others has never failed to win hearts. Lieh Tzu…

November 2 — Wisdom

The Truly Wise Person Kneels at the Feet of All Creatures. Mechtild of Magdeburg…

November 1 — Wisdom

Of ALL Human Pursuits, The Pursuit of Wisdom is the most Perfect, The Most Sublime, The Most Delightful! Thomas Aquinas…

October 31 — Faith

Faith is Assuming the Truth That You are the Beloved And Living by that Assumption! George Joy…

October 30 — Faith

BE the Light,    BE the Person You Were Created To Be! George Joy…

October 29 — Faith

Gardening is an opportunity to explore the deepest mysteries of the Universe! Thomas Berry…

October 28 — Faith

To trust in God completely is to be like a child Who knows deeply that even if he or she…

October 26 — Faith

The secret to self-mastery is bound up with your faith In the Indwelling Spirit, which ever works by love! George…

October 25 — Faith

When God established the heavens, I was there, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep, I…

October 24 — Faith

For your steadfast love is as high as the heavens; God’s faithfulness is established  In the very skies! Psalm 57:10…

October 23 — Faith

By the attitude of faith alone, Does your soul blossom, Becoming a most beautiful flower! George Joy…

October 22 — Faith

This world is only a bridge, That you will pass over to the other side. Be a blessing as you…

October 21 — Faith

The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, Which shines brighter & brighter until full day. Proverbs…

October 20 — Faith

Your Presence is a Lamp to my feet And a light to my path. Psalm 119:105…

October 19 — Faith

The soul should trust the Divine Pilot To guide the shy soul To the safe harbor of Blessed Assurance. George Joy…

October 16 — Faith

I never spoke with God Nor visited in heaven; Yet certain am I of the spot As if the chart…

October 15 — Faith

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. Jesus…

October 14 — Faith

Blessed are the Humble, For theirs are the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven! Jesus…

October 13 — Faith

I am a being of Heaven & Earth, Of Thunder & Lightning, of Rain & Wind, Of the Galaxies. Eden…

October 12 — Faith

Faith is an oasis in the heart Which will never be reached By the caravan of thinking. Khalil Gibran…

October 11 — Faith

All I have seen teaches me To trust the Creator For all I have not seen. Ralph Waldo Emerson…