February 16 — Beauty19 hours agoLike a lovely flower, bright and fragrant, Are the fine and truthful words Of a person who means what is…
February 15 — Beauty2 days agoTo feel and speak the astonishing beauty of things — Earth, stone and water. Beast, man and woman, Sun, moon…
February 14 — Beauty3 days agoNever lose an opportunity Of seeing anything that is beautiful, For Beauty is God’s handwriting — A wayside sacrament. Ralph…
February 13 — Beauty4 days agoWhen we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, Striped and dotted with continents and islands, Flying through space…
February 12 — Beauty5 days agoGive me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers Where I can walk undisturbed. Walt Whitman…
February 11 — Beauty6 days agoBeauty surrounds us, But usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it. Rumi…
February 9 — Beauty1 week agoThe future belongs to those who believe In the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt…
February 8 — Beauty1 week agoWhen I admire the wonders of a sunset, My soul expands in the worship of the creator. Mahatma Gandhi…
February 6 — Beauty2 weeks agoO Radiance, spotless and effulgent! O night-dispelling Sun of Wisdom! O Vanquisher of storm and flame! Your Glory fills the…
February 4 — Beauty2 weeks agoGod passes through the thicket of the world, And, wherever God’s glance falls It turns all things to Beauty! John…
February 3 — Beauty2 weeks agoBeauty belongs alone to the Eternal, By whom every creature is nurtured, Creator of the minerals, the vegetables, and the…
February 2 — Beauty2 weeks agoAll Your Works shall praise You, O God! They shall tell of Your Glory! Psalms…
February 1 — Beauty2 weeks agoOnly the Bridge of Beauty Will be strong enough for Crossing From the bank of Darkness to the side of…
January 31 — Truth2 weeks agoMy religion consists of a humble admiration of the Illimitable Superior Spirit Who reveals himself in the slight details We are…
January 30 — Truth3 weeks agoThe realms of religion and science in themselves are clearly marked off From each other, nevertheless there exist between the…
January 29 — Truth3 weeks agoTruth can only be seen In the stillness of a heart That is grateful! George Joy…
January 28 — Truth3 weeks agoTruth is the Polestar By which the soul may navigate The high seas of Love! George Joy…
January 27 — Truth3 weeks agoTruth emerges from the darkness of the mud Like the seed of the lotus, Whose Beauty emerges only When embraced…
January 26 — Truth3 weeks agoAll this world is a mere thought – The thought of God who is the True, Whose thought is Truth!…
January 24 — Truth3 weeks agoLord, who shall abide upon Thy Holy Hill? That person who walks upright and Speaks Truth in their heart. Psalm…
January 23 — Truth4 weeks agoLogic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you everywhere! Albert Einstein…
January 22 — Truth4 weeks agoLook to the Lighthouse within you! There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, No sea so stormy,…
January 20 — Truth4 weeks agoDarkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. …
January 18 — Truth4 weeks agoInjustice anywhere is a threat To Justice everywhere. Martin Luther King…