July 26 — Service

Real Religion Inspires An Increase in Social Service. Religion must act.…

July 25 — Service

The Enlightened Soul Loves and Serves All Living Beings As If each were their only child. Buddha  …

July 24 — Service

Do some ordinary daily work With unswerving kindness And unending patience. Lao Tzu…

July 23 — Service

We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes –…

July 22 — Service

This is a wonderful planet, And it is being completely destroyed by people Who have too much money and power…

July 21 — Service

As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language…

July 18 — Service

It is a time not just for Compassionate words, But Compassionate Action. Marian Edelman…

July 17 — Service

Until we extend the circle of compassion To ALL living things, Humanity will not find peace. Albert Schweitzer…

July 16 — Service

May I be used as a blessing And a friend to life. Rachel Remen…

July 15 — Service

Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what’s missing in…

July 14 — Service

Besides love and sympathy, Animals exhibit other qualities Connected with the social instincts Which in us would be called moral.…

July 13 — Service

Good children nowadays are people Who see to it that their parents are fed. But even dogs and horses are…

July 12 — Service

Service — more service, increased service, difficult service, Adventurous service, and at last divine and perfect service — Is the…

July 11 — Service

Question not my Father’s power of love, Only the sincerity and reach of your faith. All things are possible to…

July 10 — Service

What do we live for If it is not to make life Less difficult for each other? George Eliot…

July 9 — Service

Service which is rendered without joy Helps neither the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale…

July 8 — Service

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, But to serve. Jesus…

July 7 — Service

Anybody can serve… You only need a heart full of grace, A soul generated by love. Martin Luther King…

July 6 — Service

When a needy person Stands at your door, God Himself stands at her side. Jewish Proverb…

July 5 — Service

It is one of the most beautiful Compensations of this life, That no man can sincerely Try to help another…

July 4 — Service

A poor man served by you Shall make you rich; A sick man helped by you Shall make you strong.…

July 3 — Service

Be faithful in small things Because it is in them that your strength lies. Mother Teresa…

July 1 — Service

Compassion does away with the distinction Between self and other And renders service to others effective. Milarepa…

June 29 — Compassion

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the character of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi…

June 28 — Compassion

A true parent has little difficulty in forgiving their child, even many times.  …

June 27 — Compassion

Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude. Martin Luther King…

June 26 — Compassion

Forgiveness is greatest path To Real Freedom. Knowing this, it suffers injustice.…

June 25 — Compassion

Forgiveness is the experience Of peacefulness in the present moment. Fred Luskin, Forgive for Good…